Based on your knowledge of the different sleep cycles, which of the following is the best explanation of REM sleep as “paradoxical” sleep? (1 point) Responses Because the sleep stages over and over again in a cycle Because the sleep stages over and over again in a cycle Because we need it to survive, yet it can cause us harm Because we need it to survive, yet it can cause us harm Because we have dreams that we do not remember Because we have dreams that we do not remember Because the brain is in a heightened state of excitement, while the body is virtually immobile

Because the brain is in a heightened state of excitement, while the body is virtually immobile

The best explanation of REM sleep as "paradoxical" sleep is:

Because the brain is in a heightened state of excitement, while the body is virtually immobile.

The best explanation of REM sleep as "paradoxical" sleep is that the brain is in a heightened state of excitement, while the body is virtually immobile. This term "paradoxical" refers to the fact that although the brain is highly active during REM sleep, the body experiences muscle paralysis, which prevents us from acting out our dreams. This combination of brain activity and muscle atonia is paradoxical or contradictory in nature.

To understand this concept, it is important to have knowledge of the different stages of sleep. Our sleep consists of multiple cycles that include different stages, such as non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. REM sleep is a stage of sleep characterized by rapid eye movements, vivid dreaming, and a high level of brain activity, similar to that seen during wakefulness. However, during REM sleep, the body's voluntary muscles are effectively paralyzed, except for the muscles involved in breathing and eye movement.

To arrive at the correct answer in this case, it is crucial to comprehend the characteristics of REM sleep and why it is referred to as "paradoxical" sleep. By understanding the different sleep stages and their distinct properties, we can identify the explanation that best matches the concept of REM sleep as paradoxical sleep.