Team A and B play 13 games of chess of which 6 are won by A, 4 are won by B and 3 end in a draw. They agree to play a tournament of 4 games. Find the probability that B wins at least two games:

In order to find the probability that B wins at least two games in the tournament, we need to consider the possible outcomes.

There are three possible outcomes for each game in the tournament: B wins, A wins, or it ends in a draw.

Since they agree to play 4 games, there are 3^4 = 81 possible outcomes.

We can use combinations to determine the number of outcomes where B wins at least two games.

If B wins all 4 games, there is only 1 possible outcome.

If B wins 3 games and A wins 1 game, there are 4 possible outcomes (B wins the first, second, third, or fourth game).

If B wins 2 games and A wins 2 games, there are (4 choose 2) = 6 possible outcomes.

Therefore, there are a total of 1 + 4 + 6 = 11 outcomes where B wins at least two games.

The probability that B wins at least two games is then 11/81, or approximately 0.136.

To find the probability that B wins at least two games, we can consider the different scenarios in which B can win.

Let's break it down:

Scenario 1: B wins all 4 games
The probability of B winning a particular game is determined by the ratio of games won by B to the total number of games played. In this case, B has won 4 out of 13 games. So, the probability of B winning a single game is 4/13. Since B needs to win all 4 games, we multiply the probabilities together: (4/13) * (4/13) * (4/13) * (4/13).

Scenario 2: B wins 3 out of 4 games
The probability of B winning a particular game is still 4/13, but now we consider the possibility of B losing one game out of the 4. We multiply the probability of B winning 3 games and B losing 1 game:
(4/13) * (4/13) * (4/13) * (9/13).

Scenario 3: B wins 2 out of 4 games
Again, the probability of B winning a particular game is 4/13, but now we consider the possibilities of B winning 2 games and losing 2 games. We multiply the probability of B winning 2 games and B losing 2 games:
(4/13) * (4/13) * (9/13) * (9/13).

Finally, we add the probabilities from all three scenarios to find the total probability that B wins at least two games:

(4/13) * (4/13) * (4/13) * (4/13) + (4/13) * (4/13) * (4/13) * (9/13) + (4/13) * (4/13) * (9/13) * (9/13)

To find the probability that B wins at least two games, we need to consider the different scenarios in which B wins two, three, or four games.

First, let's find the total number of possible outcomes for the tournament. Since each game can have two outcomes (either A wins or B wins), the total possible outcomes for the tournament are 2^4 = 16.

Now, let's consider the different scenarios in which B wins at least two games:

Scenario 1: B wins two games and A wins the other two games.
- The probability of B winning two games is given by (4C2), which represents choosing 2 games out of 4 that B can win.
- The probability of A winning the other two games is given by (6C2), which represents choosing 2 games out of the remaining 6 for A.
- Therefore, the probability of this scenario is (4C2) * (6C2) / 16.

Scenario 2: B wins three games and A wins one game.
- The probability of B winning three games is given by (4C3), which represents choosing 3 games out of 4 that B can win.
- The probability of A winning one game is given by (6C1), which represents choosing 1 game out of the remaining 6 for A.
- Therefore, the probability of this scenario is (4C3) * (6C1) / 16.

Scenario 3: B wins all four games.
- The probability of B winning all four games is given by (4C4), which represents choosing all 4 games that B can win.
- Therefore, the probability of this scenario is (4C4) / 16.

Now, let's calculate the probability that B wins at least two games by summing up the probabilities from all three scenarios:

Probability (B wins at least two games) = (4C2) * (6C2) / 16 + (4C3) * (6C1) / 16 + (4C4) / 16

To calculate these combinations, we can use the formula:
nCr = n! / (r!(n-r)!)

Substituting the values and calculating, we get:

Probability (B wins at least two games) = (6 * 5 / 2 * 1) * (6 * 5 / 2 * 1) / 16 + (4 * 3 * 2 / 3 * 2 * 1) * (6 / 1) / 16 + (1) / 16

Simplifying, we have:
Probability (B wins at least two games) = 15 * 15 / 16 + 4 * 6 / 16 + 1 / 16

Now, let's calculate this:

Probability (B wins at least two games) = 225 / 16 + 24 / 16 + 1 / 16

Combining the fractions, we get:

Probability (B wins at least two games) = 250 / 16

Simplifying this fraction, we have:

Probability (B wins at least two games) ≈ 0.78125

Therefore, the probability that B wins at least two games in the tournament is approximately 0.78125, or 78.125%.