Find the cube root of -343: ^3√-343

1. -114.333...
2. -7
3. 7
4. 7, -7

The cube root of -343 is -7, so the correct answer is option 2: -7.

To find the cube root of -343, we need to find a number that, when cubed, equals -343.

The cube root of -343 is -7.

So the correct answer is option 2: -7.

To find the cube root of -343, we need to determine which value when cubed will result in -343. Let's look at the given options:

1. -114.333...: To check if this is the correct answer, we can cube it and see if the result is -343. (-114.333...)^3 = -1435130.999..., which is not equal to -343.

2. -7: To check if this is the correct answer, we can cube it and see if the result is -343. (-7)^3 = -343, which means that -7 is the cube root of -343.

3. 7: To check if this is the correct answer, we can cube it and see if the result is -343. (7)^3 = 343, which is not equal to -343.

4. 7, -7: This option states that both 7 and -7 are cube roots of -343. However, as we saw in the previous checks, -7 is the correct cube root of -343.

Therefore, the correct answer is option 2: -7.