Which of the following describes a physical condition that led to the Dust Bowl migration? (1

O rising temperatures from climate change

O worsening economic conditions

O a tropical cyclone

O soil exploitation

O soil exploitation

The physical condition that led to the Dust Bowl migration is soil exploitation.

To determine which of the following describes a physical condition that led to the Dust Bowl migration, we need to analyze each option:

1) Rising temperatures from climate change: While rising temperatures are a significant factor in the broader context of climate change, specifically for the Dust Bowl migration, it is not directly related to a physical condition that led to the migration.

2) Worsening economic conditions: While economic conditions did play a role in the migration, it is not a physical condition, but rather a socioeconomic factor.

3) A tropical cyclone: A tropical cyclone is generally associated with severe weather events, including heavy rains and wind. While severe weather events did occur during the Dust Bowl era, they were not the primary physical conditions that led to the migration.

4) Soil exploitation: This option directly relates to the physical condition that led to the Dust Bowl migration. Soil exploitation refers to the intensive farming practices utilized during that time, such as extensive plowing, which disturbed the natural prairie grasses. As a result, the topsoil was left exposed, leading to severe dust storms and degradation of the land, ultimately forcing many individuals to migrate in search of better living conditions.

Therefore, the option that describes a physical condition that led to the Dust Bowl migration is soil exploitation.