How can writers maintain a formal style and objective tone in their writing? Select the two correct answers.

A. by using third-person pronouns
B. by using a complex syntax
C. by employing casual language
D. by including contractions
E. by making opinions clear

A. by using third-person pronouns

B. by using a complex syntax

The correct answers in this case are A and B.

A. Writers can maintain a formal style and objective tone by using third-person pronouns. This helps create a sense of distance and objectivity, focusing on the subject matter rather than personal opinions or experiences.

B. Using a complex syntax can also contribute to a formal style and objective tone. By constructing longer, more intricate sentences, writers can convey their ideas in a more scholarly or professional manner.

On the other hand, options C, D, and E are incorrect regarding the question.

C. Employing casual language could create a more informal tone and detract from a formal style and objective tone.

D. Including contractions, such as "can't" or "isn't," is generally considered more informal and should be avoided in formal writing.

E. Making opinions clear would introduce subjectivity into the writing and compromise the objective tone. It is important to present information and arguments objectively in formal writing.

The correct answers are A. by using third-person pronouns and B. by using a complex syntax.

Maintaining a formal style and objective tone is crucial for many types of writing, such as academic papers and professional correspondence. Here are the explanations for the correct answers:

A. Using third-person pronouns: Writing in the third person, such as "he," "she," "it," or "they," instead of the first person ("I" or "we"), adds formality and objectivity to the writing. It helps to create a sense of objectivity and distance between the writer and the subject matter.

B. Using a complex syntax: Utilizing a complex sentence structure by including dependent clauses, subordinating conjunctions, and varied sentence patterns can contribute to a formal style. Longer and more intricate sentences can convey a sophisticated and professional tone.

On the other hand, the incorrect answer choices are:

C. Employing casual language: Using casual language is not appropriate for maintaining a formal style and objective tone. It typically includes informal slang or colloquial expressions that can detract from the seriousness or professionalism of the writing.

D. Including contractions: Contractions, such as "don't" (instead of "do not") or "can't" (instead of "cannot"), add an informal tone to the writing. To maintain formality, it is better to avoid using contractions.

E. Making opinions clear: In formal writing, it is generally preferred to focus on presenting facts and evidence rather than personal opinions. Accordingly, making opinions clear can compromise the objective tone.