The candy store has two containers of hard candy. One container has cherry, blueberry, and raspberry. The second cont has orange, lime, blueberry, and lemon. Which set represents all flavors of candy in the containers?

(1 point)
{cherry, blueberry, blueberry, raspberry, orange, lime, lemon}
O {cherry, blueberry, raspberry, orange, lime, lemon}
O {blueberry}
{blueberry, raspberry}

{cherry, blueberry, raspberry, orange, lime, lemon}

The set that represents all flavors of candy in the containers is: {cherry, blueberry, raspberry, orange, lime, lemon}.

To find the set that represents all the flavors of candy in the containers, we need to look at the different flavors in both containers and combine them.

The first container has cherry, blueberry, and raspberry.
The second container has orange, lime, blueberry, and lemon.

To combine these flavors, we will create a set that contains all the unique flavors from both containers. Here's how we can do it:

1. Start with an empty set.
2. Add the flavors from the first container to the set: cherry, blueberry, raspberry.
3. Now, add the flavors from the second container to the set: orange, lime, lemon.
4. Since "blueberry" appears in both containers, we only need to add it once to the set.

Combining all the flavors, the set representing all the flavors of candy in the containers is:
{cherry, blueberry, raspberry, orange, lime, lemon}