a − 3 4 − 5 8

To simplify the expression a - 3/4 - 5/8, we need to find a common denominator for the fractions. The least common multiple (LCM) of 4 and 8 is 8, so we can rewrite the expression:

a - (3/4) - (5/8) = a - (6/8) - (5/8)

Now that the denominators are the same, we can combine the fractions:

a - (6/8) - (5/8) = (a - 6 - 5)/8

(a - 11)/8

Therefore, the simplified expression is (a - 11)/8.

It looks like you have provided a mathematical expression: a - (3/4) - (5/8).

To simplify this expression, we can start by finding a common denominator for 4 and 8, which is 8.

So, we rewrite the expression as: a - (6/8) - (5/8).

Now that the denominators are the same, we can combine the numerators: a - (6 + 5)/8.

Simplifying further: a - (11/8).

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