When an animal is present in the area of a flower and pollen is transfered from its fur to another plant within the area, we call this process(1 point) Responses fertilization fertilization photosynthesis photosynthesis pollination pollination reproduction


The correct answer is pollination.

The process you are referring to is called pollination. Pollination is the transfer of pollen from the male part of a flower (called the stamen) to the female part (called the pistil) in order to fertilize the ovules and initiate the process of reproduction in plants.

To determine the correct answer, you can break down the given options and analyze which one best fits the described process.

- Fertilization: While fertilization is an important step in the overall reproductive process of plants, it specifically refers to the union of the male and female gametes (pollen and ovule) after pollination has occurred.
- Photosynthesis: Photosynthesis is how plants convert sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide into energy, and it is not directly related to the transfer of pollen or plant reproduction.
- Pollination: Pollination is indeed the correct process described in the scenario. It involves the transfer of pollen from one plant to another, usually with the help of animals, wind, or water.
- Reproduction: Reproduction is the broad term that encompasses several processes involved in the production of offspring. Pollination is a crucial step within the reproduction process of flowering plants.

Therefore, the correct answer is pollination.