At a school basketball game, student tickets sell for $3.00 each. An adult ticket costs $6.00. The money earned from the student ticket sales is Response area, and the money earned from the adult sales is Response area. The total amount of money earned from both student sales and adult sales is Response area. If 50 student tickets are sold and the total for all sales is $630, the number of adult tickets sold is Response area.

The money earned from the student ticket sales is $3.00 per ticket multiplied by the 50 student tickets sold, which is $<<3*50=150>>150.00.

The money earned from the adult ticket sales is $6.00 per ticket multiplied by the number of adult tickets sold, which is $630.00 − $150.00 = $<<630-150=480>>480.00.
Since each adult ticket costs $6.00, the number of adult tickets sold is $480.00 ÷ $6.00 = <<480/6=80>>80 tickets. Answer: \boxed{80}.

To find the number of adult tickets sold, we first need to calculate the money earned from student ticket sales and the money earned from adult ticket sales.

The money earned from student ticket sales can be calculated by multiplying the number of student tickets sold by the price per ticket:

Money earned from student ticket sales = Number of student tickets sold × Price per student ticket
= 50 × $3.00
= $150.00

The total money earned from ticket sales is given as $630, so we can use this information to find the money earned from adult ticket sales:

Money earned from adult ticket sales = Total money earned - Money earned from student ticket sales
= $630 - $150
= $480

Now, let's find the number of adult tickets sold. Since each adult ticket costs $6.00, we can divide the money earned from adult ticket sales by the price per adult ticket:

Number of adult tickets sold = Money earned from adult ticket sales ÷ Price per adult ticket
= $480 ÷ $6.00
= 80

Therefore, the number of adult tickets sold is 80.

To find the number of adult tickets sold, we can start by setting up two equations using the given information.

Let's assume "x" represents the number of adult tickets sold.

Equation 1: The money earned from student ticket sales is calculated by multiplying the number of student tickets sold by the price of each student ticket.
Money from student ticket sales = 3 * 50 = $150

Equation 2: The money earned from adult ticket sales is calculated by multiplying the number of adult tickets sold by the price of each adult ticket.
Money from adult ticket sales = 6 * x

According to the problem, the total amount earned from both student and adult ticket sales is $630.

So, we can write the third equation:
Total earnings = Money from student ticket sales + Money from adult ticket sales = 150 + 6x

Now we need to solve the equation for x:

Total earnings = 150 + 6x
630 = 150 + 6x (Substituting the given value of total earnings)

Subtracting 150 from both sides:
630 - 150 = 150 - 150 + 6x
480 = 6x

Dividing both sides by 6 :
480/6 = 6x/6
80 = x

Therefore, the number of adult tickets sold is 80.