suppose you seal a house plant in a transparent glass container. What about the scenario would lead to the plant's death? choose one

lack of oxygen
lack of carbon dioxide
lack of light
lack of sugars

lack of carbon dioxide

In this scenario, the lack of oxygen would lead to the plant's death.

The scenario that would lead to the plant's death in a sealed glass container would be the lack of oxygen.

Explanation: Plants require oxygen for cellular respiration, which is crucial for their survival. When plants undergo photosynthesis during the day, they release oxygen as a byproduct. However, during the night or periods of low light, plants actually consume oxygen through cellular respiration. By sealing a plant in a glass container, the oxygen supply will gradually deplete over time, and the plant will be unable to access the required oxygen for respiration, eventually leading to its death.

To confirm this, you can conduct a simple experiment. Place a house plant inside a transparent glass container and seal it tightly. Observe the plant over several days, and you will likely see signs of distress, including wilting, yellowing leaves, or even death. This outcome would demonstrate that the lack of oxygen was indeed the cause of the plant's demise.