When was the Warsaw pact formed

The Warsaw Pact was formed on May 14, 1955.

The Warsaw Pact was formed on May 14, 1955.

The Warsaw Pact was formed on May 14, 1955.

To find the answer to this question, you can follow these steps:

1. Open a search engine, such as Google.
2. Type in the words "Warsaw Pact formation date" or a similar query that includes the specific information you are looking for.
3. Hit the Enter key or click on the search button.
4. Look for credible sources in the search results, such as historical websites, academic articles, or reputable news sources.
5. Click on a relevant link that provides the answer.
6. Scan the information provided in the source to find the date of the Warsaw Pact's formation, which should be explicitly mentioned.
7. Verify the date with multiple sources to ensure accuracy and reliability.