In 1–2 sentences, describe the six major roles of the president

The six major roles of the president include being the chief executive, chief diplomat, commander-in-chief, chief legislator, chief of state, and party leader, with each role describing different responsibilities and functions.

The six major roles of the president include being the head of state, chief executive, chief legislator, chief diplomat, commander-in-chief, and chief economist. In these capacities, the president represents and leads the country, executes laws, shapes policies, conducts foreign relations, commands the military, and influences economic decisions.

The six major roles of the president are: chief executive (enforcing laws), chief diplomat (conducting foreign policy), commander-in-chief (leading the military), chief legislator (proposing and signing legislation), chief of state (representing the nation), and chief economist (managing the economy).

To find this information, I searched for the six major roles of the president. These roles are widely discussed and can be found in various government websites, textbooks, and articles on the subject.