One of your company employees experienced psychological violence at work. A staff meeting was called to

discuss this issue. Explain how this can be solved through control. The following questions should
be used as a guideline.
a) Explain the type of violence experienced.
b) How was it reported?
c) What measures should the company put in place to deal with this?

a) The type of violence experienced by the employee at work can be characterized as psychological violence. Psychological violence refers to any act or behavior that causes harm to an individual's mental health or well-being, such as verbal abuse, bullying, harassment, or intimidation.

b) The employee reported the incident of psychological violence to their supervisor or manager. It is crucial for organizations to establish an open and supportive reporting system, ensuring that employees feel safe and comfortable coming forward with such incidents.

c) To effectively deal with psychological violence and prevent its occurrence in the future, the company should consider implementing several measures:

1. Establish a clear policy: The company should develop a comprehensive policy on psychological violence, clearly defining what constitutes such behavior and outlining the consequences for perpetrators. This policy should be communicated to all employees and managers, emphasizing a zero-tolerance approach.

2. Awareness and training: Conduct training sessions or workshops to educate employees about psychological violence, its impacts, and ways to prevent and address it. By creating awareness, employees will be more equipped to recognize signs of violence and better understand how to respond and report incidents.

3. Encourage reporting: Establish confidential and easily accessible channels for employees to report incidents of psychological violence. It can include a dedicated email address, an anonymous reporting system, or a designated contact person within HR or management. Employees should feel assured that their concerns will be taken seriously and appropriate action will be taken.

4. Investigation and accountability: Once a report is received, the company must initiate a prompt and thorough investigation. Assign a trained HR representative or a specialized team to handle such cases. Ensure a fair and impartial investigation process that respects the privacy of the individuals involved. Based on the investigation's findings, hold the responsible party accountable and impose appropriate disciplinary actions.

5. Support mechanisms: Offer support services to the victim, such as counseling, therapy, or employee assistance programs. Creating a supportive environment for affected employees is essential to their well-being and recovery.

6. Continuous monitoring and review: Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of implemented measures and policies to assess their impact. Conduct periodic employee surveys to gauge the prevalence of psychological violence and identify any potential areas of improvement.

By implementing these measures, a company demonstrates its commitment to promoting a safe and respectful workplace environment, where employees' psychological well-being is valued and protected.

a) The type of violence experienced by the employee can be defined as psychological violence at work. Psychological violence refers to harmful behavior that targets an individual's mental well-being, causing emotional distress, humiliation, or fear in the workplace. This can include verbal abuse, threats, intimidation, constant criticism, exclusion, or spreading false rumors.

b) To address the issue, the employee reported the psychological violence through a formal complaint process, either by directly notifying their immediate supervisor or manager, or by utilizing the company's Human Resources department. It is crucial for employees to report such incidents promptly so that appropriate actions can be taken to resolve the situation.

c) To effectively deal with psychological violence and prevent its occurrence in the future, the company should implement several measures:

1. Establish clear policies: The company should have a written policy explicitly condemning psychological violence in the workplace. This policy should define what constitutes psychological violence, explain the reporting procedure, and outline the consequences for perpetrators.

2. Conduct awareness training: Regular training sessions or workshops should be conducted to educate employees about psychological violence, its impact, and ways to prevent it. This training should emphasize creating a respectful and inclusive work environment.

3. Encourage open communication: The company should foster an environment where employees feel comfortable reporting incidents of psychological violence. Establish confidential reporting channels to protect whistleblowers and ensure that appropriate actions are taken promptly.

4. Investigate and take appropriate actions: Each reported incident should be thoroughly investigated by the Human Resources department or a designated committee to gather information and evidence. Once the investigation is complete, appropriate disciplinary actions should be taken against the perpetrator while ensuring the victim is protected.

5. Offer support and counseling: Provide access to professional counseling or employee assistance programs to support the affected employee. It is crucial to offer emotional support and resources to help them recover from the psychological trauma.

6. Regularly monitor the workplace: Continuous monitoring of the work environment is necessary to detect any signs or patterns of psychological violence. This can be done through anonymous surveys, regular feedback sessions, or open-door policies to encourage employees to voice their concerns.

By implementing these measures, the company can effectively address the psychological violence experienced by the employee, create a safe and respectful work environment, and prevent such incidents from recurring in the future.

a) The type of violence experienced by the employee can be categorized as psychological violence. Psychological violence refers to any behavior or actions that cause emotional or mental harm to an individual in the workplace. It can involve threats, intimidation, isolation, humiliation, verbal abuse, or any other form of behavior that hampers the employee's emotional well-being.

b) To address this issue, the employee should have reported the psychological violence through the appropriate channels provided by the company. This may include reporting it to their immediate supervisor or manager, the human resources department, or through a designated hotline or reporting system established by the company. It is crucial for the employee to document details of the incidents, noting dates, times, individuals involved, and any supporting evidence if available (such as emails, text messages, or witness statements).

c) To effectively deal with this situation, the company should take the following measures:

1. Establish a clear anti-violence policy: The company should have a policy specifically addressing psychological violence in the workplace. This policy should define what constitutes psychological violence, outline possible consequences for perpetrators, and highlight the support available to victims.

2. Promote a culture of respect and inclusivity: The company should foster a work environment that values and promotes respectful behavior, open communication, and the inclusion of all employees. This can be achieved through training programs, workshops, and awareness campaigns on workplace ethics, conflict resolution, and team dynamics.

3. Provide employee support mechanisms: The company should offer resources and support systems for employees who experience psychological violence. This may include counseling services, employee assistance programs (EAPs), or access to external mental health professionals to help affected employees cope with their experiences.

4. Conduct thorough investigations: When any incidents of psychological violence are reported, the company should conduct prompt and unbiased investigations. This involves gathering evidence, interviewing involved parties, and taking appropriate actions based on the findings. Confidentiality of the individuals involved should be maintained throughout the investigation process.

5. Implement disciplinary measures: If the investigation confirms the occurrence of psychological violence, the company should take appropriate disciplinary actions against the perpetrators. The consequences should be consistent with the severity of the behavior and outlined in the company's policy. This sends a strong message that such behavior will not be tolerated.

6. Educate employees on their rights and responsibilities: The company should educate employees about their rights and responsibilities in relation to psychological violence. This includes making them aware of reporting channels, informing them about the actions that constitute psychological violence, and encouraging them to speak up when they witness or experience such behavior.

By implementing these measures, the company can effectively tackle psychological violence, create a safer work environment, and promote the well-being of its employees.