Which is an example of an informal communication channel?

A. A video chat with grandparents
B. An email to a city council member
OC. A phone call with a potential employer
D. A letter to a scholarshi . committee

A. A video chat with grandparents

A. A video chat with grandparents

The correct answer is A. A video chat with grandparents.

To determine which option is an example of an informal communication channel, we need to understand the characteristics of informal communication. Informal communication is less structured, spontaneous, and typically does not involve professional or formal settings.

Option A, a video chat with grandparents, is an informal communication channel because it does not involve a professional or formal context. Video chats with family members are generally casual and conversational.

Option B, an email to a city council member, is a more formal communication channel. Emails are often used for professional and official purposes, and they typically follow a certain structure and etiquette.

Option C, a phone call with a potential employer, is also a more formal communication channel. Phone calls relating to employment or professional opportunities usually involve specific protocols and a level of professionalism.

Option D, a letter to a scholarship committee, is another example of a more formal communication channel. Writing a letter involves a more careful and structured approach, particularly when addressing a scholarship committee.

Therefore, based on these explanations, option A, a video chat with grandparents, is the best example of an informal communication channel.