What is the solution to 40 + (-11)

The solution to 40 + (-11) is 29.

To find the solution to 40 + (-11), follow these steps:

Step 1: Add the numbers together.
40 + (-11) = 29

Therefore, the solution to 40 + (-11) is 29.

The solution to 40 + (-11) is 29.

To arrive at this solution, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Start with the number 40.

Step 2: Add the opposite of 11.

To find the opposite of a number, you change its sign. In this case, the opposite of 11 is -11.

Step 3: Add the number obtained in step 2 to the number obtained in step 1.

40 + (-11) = 29

Therefore, the solution to 40 + (-11) is 29.