The principle that the most efficient way to accomplish a large task is to break it into several smaller ones performed by several employees is an essential management concept known as:

A. Retention rate
B. Division of labor
C. Specialization of capitol
D. Variable labor rate

B. Division of labor

The correct answer is B. Division of labor.

The correct answer is B. Division of labor.

To arrive at this answer, you need to understand the concept of division of labor. The principle states that a large task can be accomplished more efficiently by dividing it into several smaller tasks and assigning them to different employees who specialize in those tasks. This approach allows each employee to focus on a specific area of expertise, leading to increased productivity and efficiency.

To find the answer, you can start by eliminating the options that don't match the described principle:

A. Retention rate: This option refers to the percentage of employees an organization keeps over a specified period. Though employee retention is a relevant management concept, it is not directly related to breaking a large task into smaller ones.

C. Specialization of capital: This option refers to the concept of focusing on a particular area or industry to utilize resources efficiently. While specialization is a management concept, it does not directly address dividing a larger task among several employees.

D. Variable labor rate: This option refers to the concept of paying employees different rates depending on various factors such as skills, experience, and job requirements. Although variable labor rates are important in managing a workforce, they are not directly related to breaking down a large task.

By the process of elimination, you are left with the correct answer:

B. Division of labor: This option aligns with the explanation provided earlier, as it describes the management concept of breaking down a large task into smaller tasks performed by different employees, resulting in improved efficiency and productivity.