Use( He, Li, C, O, Ne) to answer questions 1----4.

1. Which of the following atoms is paramagnetic?
2. Which of the following atoms is diamagnetic?
3.which of the atoms has the lowest ionization energy?
4. Which of the following atoms has the highest electron affinity?

1. The atom that is paramagnetic is He.

2. The atom that is diamagnetic is Ne.
3. The atom with the lowest ionization energy is Li.
4. The atom with the highest electron affinity is O.

1. To determine which of the following atoms is paramagnetic (meaning it has unpaired electrons): He, Li, C, O, Ne. We need to look at the electron configuration of each atom.

He: The electron configuration of helium is 1s^2, which means it has a completely filled electron shell. It is diamagnetic, not paramagnetic.

Li: The electron configuration of lithium is 1s^2 2s^1. It has one unpaired electron, making it paramagnetic.

C: The electron configuration of carbon is 1s^2 2s^2 2p^2. It also has two unpaired electrons, making it paramagnetic.

O: The electron configuration of oxygen is 1s^2 2s^2 2p^4. It has two unpaired electrons, so it is paramagnetic.

Ne: The electron configuration of neon is 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6. It has a completely filled electron shell, so it is diamagnetic.

Therefore, the atoms Li, C, and O are paramagnetic.

2. To determine which of the following atoms is diamagnetic (meaning all of its electrons are paired): He, Li, C, O, Ne. Based on the analysis in question 1, the atom Ne has a completely filled electron shell, making it diamagnetic.

3. To determine which of the atoms has the lowest ionization energy (meaning it is easier to remove an electron): He, Li, C, O, Ne. As we move across a period from left to right in the periodic table, ionization energy generally increases. Therefore, helium (He) would have the lowest ionization energy among the given options.

4. To determine which of the following atoms has the highest electron affinity (meaning it is most likely to gain an electron): He, Li, C, O, Ne. Oxygen (O) typically has the highest electron affinity among these atoms.

To determine the answers to questions 1-4, we can look at the electron configurations and properties of the provided atoms (He, Li, C, O, Ne). Let's break it down step by step:

1. Which of the following atoms is paramagnetic?
An atom is considered paramagnetic if it contains unpaired electrons. By looking at the electron configuration for each atom:
- He (Helium): 1s^2 (2 electrons occupying the 1s orbital, both are paired) - not paramagnetic.
- Li (Lithium): 1s^2 2s^1 (1 unpaired electron in the 2s orbital) - paramagnetic.
- C (Carbon): 1s^2 2s^2 2p^2 (2 unpaired electrons, one in each of the 2p orbitals) - paramagnetic.
- O (Oxygen): 1s^2 2s^2 2p^4 (2 unpaired electrons, two in the 2p orbitals) - paramagnetic.
- Ne (Neon): 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 (all electrons are paired) - not paramagnetic.

Therefore, both Li and C are paramagnetic.

2. Which of the following atoms is diamagnetic?
An atom is considered diamagnetic if all of its electrons are paired, meaning it has no unpaired electrons.
- He (Helium): All electrons are paired - diamagnetic.
- Li (Lithium): 1 unpaired electron - not diamagnetic.
- C (Carbon): 2 unpaired electrons - not diamagnetic.
- O (Oxygen): 2 unpaired electrons - not diamagnetic.
- Ne (Neon): All electrons are paired - diamagnetic.

Therefore, both He and Ne are diamagnetic.

3. Which of the atoms has the lowest ionization energy?
Ionization energy refers to the energy required to remove an electron from an atom. Generally, ionization energy decreases from top to bottom in a group and increases from left to right in a period.

Comparing the atoms given:
- He (Helium): Only has 2 electrons in its outermost shell - relatively high ionization energy.
- Li (Lithium): The electron configuration is 1s^2 2s^1, and removing the 2s^1 electron requires less energy than helium - lower ionization energy.
- C (Carbon): Requires more energy to remove an electron from a partially filled 2p orbital compared to lithium - higher ionization energy.
- O (Oxygen): Requires even more energy to remove an electron from a partially filled 2p orbital compared to carbon - higher ionization energy.
- Ne (Neon): The electron configuration is 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6, and removing any of these electrons would require a significant amount of energy - higher ionization energy.

Therefore, Li has the lowest ionization energy among the provided atoms.

4. Which of the following atoms has the highest electron affinity?
Electron affinity refers to the amount of energy released when an electron is added to an atom. It generally increases from left to right across a period and decreases from top to bottom in a group.

Comparing the atoms given:
- He (Helium): Already has a stable, fully filled outermost shell and does not readily accept additional electrons - low electron affinity.
- Li (Lithium): The addition of an electron would result in a stable, fully filled outermost shell - low electron affinity.
- C (Carbon): Has a partially filled outermost shell and readily accepts electrons to form stable compounds - higher electron affinity.
- O (Oxygen): Even more than carbon, oxygen readily accepts electrons, further stabilizing the partially filled 2p orbital - higher electron affinity.
- Ne (Neon): Already has a stable, fully filled outermost shell and does not readily accept additional electrons - low electron affinity.

Therefore, both C and O have higher electron affinities compared to He, Li, and Ne, but between the two, O has the highest electron affinity.