Which sentence is written in the active voice?(1 point) Responses The plans were made. The plans were made. Rebecca and Lauren were driven by their parents. Rebecca and Lauren were driven by their parents. Rebecca and Lauren went to the beach. Rebecca and Lauren went to the beach. The lunch was packed.

Rebecca and Lauren went to the beach.

The sentence "Rebecca and Lauren went to the beach" is written in the active voice.

To determine which sentence is written in the active voice, we need to understand the difference between active voice and passive voice. In the active voice, the subject of the sentence performs the action, while in the passive voice, the subject receives the action.

Looking at the given options, the active voice sentence would be: "Rebecca and Lauren went to the beach." In this sentence, the subject "Rebecca and Lauren" are performing the action of going to the beach. The other sentences are written in passive voice as they indicate the subject receiving the action rather than performing it.