In 1 to 2 sentences Was the 1820 to 1830 Mexicna Settlers a push or a pull factor? Explain.

The 1820 to 1830 Mexican settlers can be considered as a push factor, as they were driven by political and social unrest in Mexico during that time that pushed them to seek better opportunities and stability in settling in Texas.

The 1820 to 1830 Mexican settlers can be considered a push factor as many Mexicans were compelled to leave due to political unrest, economic decline, and social upheaval in Mexico during that time period.

The Mexican settlers in the 1820s to 1830s can be considered as both a push and a pull factor. On one hand, factors like political instability and economic hardships in Mexico could have pushed them to seek opportunities elsewhere, while on the other hand, the allure of available land and economic prospects in places like Texas could have pulled them towards migration.