muscle strains are most often located:

on the surface of the muscle
under the surface of the muscle
in the middle section of the muscle
where the muscle meets the tendon

Muscle strains are most often located where the muscle meets the tendon.

Muscle strains can occur in different locations within the muscle, but they are most often located where the muscle meets the tendon.

To determine where muscle strains are most often located, we can rely on general knowledge of human anatomy and common injury patterns. Muscle strains can occur in various areas of the muscle, but they are most commonly located where the muscle meets the tendon.

To understand this better, we need to know the basic structure of a muscle. Muscles are made up of muscle fibers, which are bundled together and surrounded by connective tissue. At the ends of each muscle, the connective tissue merges into a tendon, which attaches the muscle to the bone.

When a muscle strain occurs, it typically happens at or near the point where the muscle and tendon meet. The reason for this is that the junction between the muscle and tendon is often the weakest point, making it more susceptible to injury. Activities that involve sudden or excessive stretching, overuse, or forceful contractions can cause muscle strains in this area.

So, based on our understanding of muscle anatomy and injury patterns, the most common location for muscle strains is where the muscle meets the tendon.