Which statement best identifies the impact of the enlightenment on the American revolution

Social contract belief that the government should have total power motivated to colonist to rebel
Ideas such as democracy, natural rights and their government inspired colonist to revolt against the British
Thomas Jefferson’s idea that government should not violate a natural rights of people was used to criticize the British
Rousseau creation of social contract theory influence, American ideas on government

Ideas such as democracy, natural rights, and their government inspired colonists to revolt against the British

The statement that best identifies the impact of the Enlightenment on the American Revolution is:

"Ideas such as democracy, natural rights, and their government inspired colonists to revolt against the British."

During the Enlightenment, thinkers like John Locke and Montesquieu promoted ideas of natural rights, individual freedoms, and the importance of representative government. These ideas greatly influenced the colonists and fueled their desire for independence from British rule. The belief in democracy and the recognition of natural rights, such as life, liberty, and property, were key motivations for the colonists to rebel against British authority.

The statement that best identifies the impact of the Enlightenment on the American Revolution is: "Ideas such as democracy, natural rights, and their government inspired colonists to revolt against the British."

To understand this, we need to break down the options:

1. "Social contract belief that the government should have total power motivated colonists to rebel" - This statement is incorrect. The social contract theory, popularized by Enlightenment thinkers like John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, actually emphasized the idea that governments should protect the rights of individuals, and if they fail to do so, the people have the right to rebel. So, it was the opposite of advocating for total government power.

2. "Ideas such as democracy, natural rights, and their government inspired colonists to revolt against the British" - This statement is the correct answer. The Enlightenment ideas of democracy, natural rights (such as life, liberty, and property), and self-government heavily influenced the colonists' desire for independence from Great Britain. Influential thinkers like John Locke and Montesquieu advocated for limited government and the consent of the governed, which significantly shaped the colonies' discontent with British rule.

3. "Thomas Jefferson's idea that the government should not violate the natural rights of people was used to criticize the British" - This statement is partially correct but not as comprehensive as the previous one. Thomas Jefferson, who was influenced by Enlightenment thinkers, articulated the idea that governments should respect the natural rights of individuals. While his ideas played a significant role in the American Revolution, they were part of a broader influence from Enlightenment thought.

4. "Rousseau's creation of the social contract theory influenced American ideas on government" - This statement is partially correct, but it does not encompass the full impact of the Enlightenment on the American Revolution. Rousseau's social contract theory suggested that governments should be based on the consent of the governed, which aligns with American ideas on government. However, it was a collective influence from various Enlightenment philosophers that shaped American thinking during the revolution, rather than solely Rousseau's ideas.

In summary, the correct statement that best identifies the impact of the Enlightenment on the American Revolution is that "ideas such as democracy, natural rights, and their government inspired colonists to revolt against the British."