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Which of the following primarily make up comets? Select the two correct answers.(1 point)

carbon dioxide
carbon dioxide



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The correct answers are:

1. Ice
2. Gas

The two correct answers for what primarily make up comets are:

1. Ice
2. Gas

To determine which of the following primarily make up comets, we need to analyze each answer choice:

1. carbon dioxide: Carbon dioxide is a compound that can be found in the atmosphere of some planets, but it is not a primary component of comets. We can eliminate this option.

2. ice: Ice is a key component of comets. Comets are composed mostly of ice, which can include water ice, carbon dioxide ice, methane ice, and other volatile compounds. Comets are often referred to as "dirty snowballs" because of their icy composition. Therefore, this is a correct answer.

3. gas: While comets do contain some gas, it is not their primary component. Gases are released from comets as they approach the Sun and the heat causes the ice to vaporize. However, gas alone does not predominantly make up comets. We can eliminate this option.

4. metal: Metals are not typically found in comets. Comets are composed mainly of icy materials, with some rock and dust mixed in. We can eliminate this option.

Based on the analysis, the two correct answers are:

- ice
- gas (to a lesser extent)