What did the artist believe regarding US society under the ruling in Plessy? (1 point) Responses Black Americans and white Americans benefited from the case's effects despite unequal facilities. Black Americans and white Americans benefited from the case's effects despite unequal facilities. State governments discriminated against Black Americans by providing inferior facilities. State governments discriminated against Black Americans by providing inferior facilities. The Supreme Court took an important step toward ending racial segregation in the United States. The Supreme Court took an important step toward ending racial segregation in the United States. The federal government would provide services for Black Americans when states failed to.

The artist believed that the Supreme Court took an important step toward ending racial segregation in the United States.

Based on the given options, the artist believed that state governments discriminated against Black Americans by providing inferior facilities.

To determine what the artist believed regarding US society under the ruling in Plessy, we would need more context or information about the specific artist's views or statements. The given responses do not provide information about the artist's perspective on this matter. However, we can explain how to research and understand the artist's beliefs:

1. Identify the artist: Determine the name or identity of the artist in question. This could be done through research or by providing additional information about the artist.

2. Research the artist's background: Look into the artist's biography and art-related works to gain insights into their personal and political beliefs. Consider examining their artistic style, statements, interviews, and writings, if available.

3. Analyze the artwork: If the artist has created any specific artwork related to US society or the ruling in Plessy, analyze the themes, symbolism, and messages conveyed in the artwork. This can provide clues about their opinion on the matter.

4. Consult secondary sources: Seek out articles, interviews, or scholarly writings that discuss the artist's views on US society or racial segregation in the context of the Plessy ruling. Look for reliable sources that provide nuanced insights into the artist's beliefs.

5. Consider historical context: Understand the historical and social context in which the artist lived and worked. This could include the prevailing attitudes towards racial segregation during that time and any broader political or social movements the artist may have been associated with.

By following these steps, you can gain a deeper understanding of the artist's beliefs regarding US society under the ruling in Plessy.