What is a word’s pronunciation?

A word’s pronunciation refers to the way it is spoken or pronounced. It includes the specific sounds, stress, and intonation patterns used to articulate the word correctly.

A word's pronunciation refers to the way it is spoken or pronounced. It includes the sounds, stress patterns, and intonation used when saying a word. Pronunciation is important for clear communication and understanding in spoken language.

A word's pronunciation refers to the way it is spoken or the sound of its spoken form. Pronunciation can vary from language to language and even among different dialects within a language. Some letters or combinations of letters may have different pronunciations depending on the word or context.

To determine a word's pronunciation, there are a few methods you can use:

1. Dictionary: Look up the word in a reputable dictionary that provides phonetic transcriptions. Many dictionaries, both online and in print, include the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) symbols to represent the sounds of the word. The IPA helps to standardize pronunciation across languages.

2. Online resources: There are various websites and apps that provide audio recordings or phonetic transcriptions for words. For example, you can use websites like Forvo or HowToPronounce to listen to native speakers pronounce words.

3. Language learning platforms: Language learning platforms, such as Duolingo or Rosetta Stone, often include audio recordings to help learners practice pronunciation. These platforms typically provide spoken examples for common vocabulary.

4. Language teachers or native speakers: Seek out the guidance of language teachers, tutors, or native speakers who can demonstrate the correct pronunciation of words. They can offer personalized instruction and address specific pronunciation challenges.

Remember that for some words, there might be multiple acceptable pronunciations due to variations in accents or regional dialects. It's always helpful to listen to several sources to get a better understanding of a word's pronunciation.