What were some reasons for the French’s dk Indian war? Select all that apply. 1. French in British both wanted control over the Ohio river valley. 2. French and British fall over control of Native American fur trade 3. The French wanted to take control of the Louisiana area that was claimed by Spain. 4. Rivalry overhunting grounds 5. The English went to control over Florida, which had been claimed by the French.

1. French and British both wanted control over the Ohio river valley.

2. French and British fought over control of the Native American fur trade.
4. Rivalry over hunting grounds.

The correct options for the reasons for the French and Indian War are:

1. French and British both wanted control over the Ohio river valley.
2. French and British fought over control of Native American fur trade.
4. Rivalry over hunting grounds.
5. The English wanted control over Florida, which had been claimed by the French.

So, options 1, 2, 4, and 5 are the correct reasons for the French and Indian War.

To determine the reasons for the French and Indian War, we will go through each option and select the ones that are applicable.

1. French and British both wanted control over the Ohio River valley.
- This is a valid reason for the French and Indian War. The French and British both sought control over this region due to its strategic location and resources.

2. French and British fought over control of the Native American fur trade.
- This is another valid reason for the war. The fur trade was lucrative and both the French and British vied for dominance in this industry.

3. The French wanted to take control of the Louisiana area claimed by Spain.
- Although this statement is true historically, it is not directly relevant to the reasons for the French and Indian War. The war primarily focused on the British and French colonial rivalry in North America.

4. Rivalry over hunting grounds.
- While conflicts over hunting grounds did occur between Native American tribes, this was not a primary cause of the French and Indian War.

5. The English wanted control over Florida, which had been claimed by the French.
- This statement is incorrect. Florida was actually claimed by Spain, not the French. Additionally, the French and Indian War did not revolve around the control of Florida.

Based on the analysis above, the applicable reasons for the French and Indian War are options 1 and 2.