what is beat poerty? and where does it originate from? i cannot find any in the internet.



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Beat poetry began with the Beat Generation. Check these sites for more information about it.





Beat poetry, also known as Beat Generation poetry, is a literary movement that emerged in the 1950s and 1960s in the United States. It is characterized by its unconventional style, free-flowing structure, and exploration of themes such as personal and societal rebellion, spirituality, and the quest for freedom and self-expression.

To further explore the origins and nature of Beat poetry, you can look for information in various sources.

1. Wikipedia is a reliable and comprehensive resource for information on a wide range of topics, including Beat poetry. Visit the Wikipedia page on the Beat Generation at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beat_Generation to find an overview and detailed information about this literary movement.

2. Another helpful source is the Tripod website, where you can find an article specifically about Jack Kerouac, one of the prominent Beat poets. Visit http://members.tripod.com/~Raincloud771/htm/kerouac.htm for insights into his life and works.

3. The Rooknet website is also a valuable resource for information on Beat poets. They have dedicated pages about Allen Ginsberg, a significant figure in the Beat Generation. Visit http://www.rooknet.com/beatpage/writers/ginsberg.html to learn more about his poetry and his impact on the movement.

By exploring these sources, you should be able to find ample information about Beat poetry and its origins.