19. ____________________ created the smallpox vaccination:

1 point
Benjamin Carson
Edward Jenner
William Beaumont

Edward Jenner

Edward Jenner

The correct answer is Edward Jenner. To find this answer, you can start by eliminating the other options one by one.

- Aristotle, a Greek philosopher, lived from 384 BC to 322 BC and did not have any involvement in the creation of the smallpox vaccination. Therefore, you can eliminate this option.

- Benjamin Carson is a renowned neurosurgeon, but he is not associated with the creation of the smallpox vaccination. Hence, you can eliminate this option as well.

- William Beaumont was an American surgeon known for his work on the human digestive system. However, he did not have any involvement in the creation of the smallpox vaccination, so you can eliminate this option too.

After eliminating all the other options, the only answer remaining is Edward Jenner. Edward Jenner, an English physician, created the smallpox vaccination in 1796. He observed that milkmaids who had contracted cowpox, a similar disease to smallpox, seemed to be immune to smallpox. Based on this observation, he developed the smallpox vaccine using material from cowpox blisters.