Directions: Read the following excerpt from the e-text and answer the question below using the RACES method. Here is an example of the RACES method in Social Studies. Here is a "How to" video for the RACES method in Social Studies. Here is the grading rubric.

Excerpt from textbook: Question: How does poverty harm a country's economy? (7 points)

The RACES method is a strategy for answering questions or constructing written responses. It stands for Restate, Answer, Cite evidence, Explain, and Summarize.

Restate: Poverty harms a country's economy by causing various negative effects.

Answer: Poverty adversely impacts a country's economy in multiple ways.

Cite evidence: For instance, the lack of financial resources among the poor population limits their purchasing power. This, in turn, reduces the demand for goods and services, leading to a decrease in production and sales. Additionally, poverty often results in lower levels of education and skills, hindering economic growth and development. Furthermore, the inability of impoverished individuals to access quality healthcare may lead to increased healthcare costs for the country.

Explain: These economic consequences of poverty create a cycle of disadvantage, making it difficult for countries to escape the poverty trap. With reduced spending power, businesses suffer, which results in job losses and further income inequality. The lack of education and skills prevents individuals from obtaining higher-paying jobs, perpetuating the cycle of poverty. Moreover, the increased healthcare costs strain the government's finances, potentially limiting funds available for infrastructure development and other essential services.

Summarize: In summary, poverty harms a country's economy by reducing purchasing power, limiting education and skills, and increasing healthcare costs. These negative repercussions contribute to a cycle of disadvantage and hinder overall economic growth and development.

According to the excerpt, the e-text provides a method called RACES for answering questions in Social Studies. Additionally, it mentions a "How to" video for implementing the RACES method and a grading rubric. However, the excerpt does not directly address the question about how poverty harms a country's economy. Therefore, it does not provide specific information to apply the RACES method or answer the question using that method.

To answer the question using the RACES method, we need to follow these steps:

1. R - Restate the question: Poverty harms a country's economy by...

2. A - Answer the question: Poverty can harm a country's economy in several ways. Firstly, when a large percentage of the population lives in poverty, it reduces the overall consumer spending power. This means that people have less money to spend on goods and services, which can negatively impact businesses and industries. Additionally, poverty often leads to limited access to education and healthcare. This can result in a less skilled workforce and increased healthcare costs, both of which can hinder economic growth. Furthermore, poverty can create social and political instability, as desperation and frustration can lead to social unrest and conflicts, making it difficult for businesses to operate effectively.

3. C - Cite evidence: To reinforce your answer, you can provide specific examples or data from credible sources. For instance, you could reference studies that have shown the correlation between poverty rates and economic growth or highlight case studies of countries that have successfully addressed poverty and experienced positive economic outcomes.

4. E - Explain your answer: Finally, explain how the evidence you provided supports your answer. You can elaborate on the cause-and-effect relationship between poverty and its impact on various economic factors, such as consumer spending, workforce productivity, and stability. By explaining the mechanisms through which poverty harms a country's economy, you can demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

Using these steps, you can craft a well-structured and supported response to the question about how poverty harms a country's economy.