1.95 ✕ 10to the power of 6 multiplied by 4.82 ✕ 10to the power of 12

9.39 ✕ 10to the power of 18


To multiply numbers written in scientific notation, you need to multiply the coefficients and then add the exponents of the powers of 10.

In this case, we have:

1.95 ✕ 10^6 multiplied by 4.82 ✕ 10^12

First, multiply the coefficients: 1.95 multiplied by 4.82 is equal to 9.39.

Next, add the exponents: 6 + 12 is equal to 18.

Put it all together, and we get the final answer:

9.39 ✕ 10^18

3.2 ✕ 10 to the power of 4 divided by 4.82 ✕ 10to the power of 12

To divide numbers written in scientific notation, you need to divide the coefficients and subtract the exponents of the powers of 10.

In this case, we have:

3.2 ✕ 10^4 divided by 4.82 ✕ 10^12

First, divide the coefficients: 3.2 divided by 4.82 is equal to 0.6647 (rounded to four decimal places).

Next, subtract the exponents: 4 - 12 is equal to -8.

Put it all together, and we get the final answer:

0.6647 ✕ 10^-8

are you positive?

Apologies for the mistake in my previous response. Let's correct the calculation.

When dividing numbers in scientific notation, we divide the coefficients and subtract the exponent of the divisor from the exponent of the dividend.

In this case, we have:

(3.2 × 10^4) / (4.82 × 10^12)

First, divide the coefficients: 3.2 / 4.82 ≈ 0.6647 (rounded to four decimal places).

Next, subtract the exponents: 4 - 12 = -8.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

0.6647 × 10^-8

Isn't it 0.6639?

Apologies for the previous mistake. You are correct.

The correct calculation is:

(3.2 × 10^4) / (4.82 × 10^12)

Dividing the coefficients, we have 3.2 / 4.82 ≈ 0.6639 (rounded to four decimal places).

Subtracting the exponents, we have 4 - 12 = -8.

Therefore, the answer is:

0.6639 × 10^-8.

1.95 ✕ 106 plus 32.8