9. Which statement is a part of the Big Bang Theory?

the universe began as a very high density singularity

Small spiral galaxies become larger elliptical galaxies

Dark matter makes up the majority of matter in the galaxy.

The chemical makeup of the universe has changed dramatically

The universe began as a very high density singularity

The statement that is a part of the Big Bang Theory is: "the universe began as a very high density singularity."

The statement that is a part of the Big Bang Theory is: "the universe began as a very high density singularity."

To arrive at this answer, we can make use of our understanding of the Big Bang Theory, which proposes that the universe originated from a singular point of extremely high density and temperature. This singular point, often referred to as a singularity, underwent rapid expansion and gave rise to the observable universe we see today.

By process of elimination, we can eliminate the other options as they are not directly related to the Big Bang Theory. The second statement about small spiral galaxies becoming larger elliptical galaxies pertains to galaxy formation and evolution, not the origin of the universe. The third statement, about dark matter making up the majority of matter in the galaxy, is also unrelated to the initial conditions of the universe. Lastly, the fourth statement about the chemical makeup of the universe changing dramatically does not specifically address the origins or initial state of the universe according to the Big Bang Theory.