a membrane bond sac that contains materials involved in transport of the cell

The structure you are referring to is called a vesicle. Vesicles are small, sac-like structures enclosed by a lipid membrane. They are involved in various cellular processes, including the transport of molecules within and between cells. Vesicles can bud off from the Golgi apparatus or the cell membrane and transport materials such as proteins, lipids, and other molecules to their intended destinations within the cell or to the outside of the cell.

The membrane-bound sac that contains materials involved in transport of the cell is called a vesicle. Vesicles are small, spherical structures formed by the cell's membrane. They are involved in various cellular processes, including the transport of molecules within the cell and the exchange of materials between the cell and its surroundings. There are different types of vesicles with specialized functions, such as endosomes, lysosomes, and peroxisomes.

The structure you are referring to is called a vesicle. Vesicles are small sacs made up of lipid bilayer membranes that are involved in transporting materials within cells. They are used by cells to move various molecules like proteins, lipids, and other cellular components between different compartments within the cell.

To find more information about vesicles, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by opening a web browser on your computer or mobile device.
2. Go to a search engine such as Google, Bing, or Yahoo.
3. Type in the search query "What is a vesicle in cell biology?"
4. Press Enter or click on the search button to get the search results.

The search results page will provide you with a list of websites, articles, and resources that explain the concept of vesicles in cell biology. Look for reliable and trusted sources such as online biology textbooks, scientific journals, or educational websites like Khan Academy or Biology Online. These sources will provide comprehensive explanations, diagrams, and examples to help you understand the role of vesicles in cellular transport.