What name was given to people whoa re a mix of native indian and spanish blood

The name given to people who are a mix of Native Indian and Spanish blood is commonly referred to as Mestizo.

The name given to people who are a mix of Native Indian and Spanish blood is "Mestizo." Mestizo is a term primarily used in Latin America to describe individuals with mixed European and Indigenous American ancestry.

The term commonly used to describe people of mixed Native Indian and Spanish blood is "Mestizo." This term originated in Latin America during the colonial period when Europeans, primarily Spanish settlers, intermarried with indigenous people. The word "Mestizo" is derived from the Spanish word "mestizo" which means "mixed."

To find this answer, you could have used search engines like Google and searched for phrases such as "term for people with Native Indian and Spanish ancestry" or "mix of Native Indian and Spanish blood." These search queries would have provided you with information about the term "Mestizo" and its historical context. It is always beneficial to conduct research to gather accurate and comprehensive information.