Which option is a light wavelength that chlorophyll does not absorb?(1 point) Responses

a) Violet

b) Blue
c) Green
d) Red

The option that represents a light wavelength that chlorophyll does not absorb is:

Infrared light

To determine which option is a light wavelength that chlorophyll does not absorb, we need to understand the light absorption spectrum of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll predominantly absorbs light in the blue and red regions of the electromagnetic spectrum while reflecting or transmitting green light, which is why plants appear green to our eyes.

To find the specific light wavelength that chlorophyll does not absorb, we can refer to the absorption spectrum of chlorophyll. This spectrum shows the wavelengths of light that chlorophyll can absorb and the corresponding absorption peaks.

There are two types of chlorophyll: chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b. Chlorophyll-a absorbs light most efficiently in the blue (~430-450 nm) and red (~640-680 nm) regions, while chlorophyll-b absorbs light most efficiently in the blue (~450-470 nm) and red-orange (~640-660 nm) regions.

From this information, we can conclude that the light wavelength that chlorophyll does not absorb falls within the green region of the spectrum (~500-570 nm). Therefore, the correct response would be the option that represents a wavelength in the green region.