Bertha and Vernon are competing in a diving competition. Bertha’s dive ended -45 m from the starting platform. Vernon‘s dive ended -9m from the starting platform. How many times father was the end of Bertha’s dive than the end of Vernon‘s dive from the platform

To find out how many times farther Bertha's dive ended from the starting platform compared to Vernon's dive, we need to calculate the ratio of the distances.

The distance of Bertha's dive from the starting platform is -45m and the distance of Vernon's dive from the starting platform is -9m.

To calculate the ratio, we need to divide the distance of Bertha's dive by the distance of Vernon's dive: -45m / -9m = 5.

Thus, Bertha's dive ended 5 times farther from the starting platform than Vernon's dive.

To find out how many times farther Bertha's dive ended from the starting platform compared to Vernon's dive, we need to calculate the difference in distance between the two dives.

The distance of Bertha's dive from the starting platform is given as -45 meters, and the distance of Vernon's dive is given as -9 meters.

To find the difference, we subtract Vernon's distance from Bertha's distance:

-45 meters - (-9 meters) = -45 meters + 9 meters = -36 meters

So, Bertha's dive ended 36 meters farther from the starting platform compared to Vernon's dive.

To determine how many times further Bertha's dive ended from the starting platform compared to Vernon's, we need to find the ratio between their distances.

First, we calculate the absolute values of their distances from the starting platform:
Bertha's distance = |-45m| = 45m
Vernon's distance = |-9m| = 9m

Next, we determine the ratio between the two distances:
Ratio = Bertha's distance / Vernon's distance
= 45m / 9m

Now, we simplify the ratio by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 9m:
Ratio = (45m / 9m) / (9m / 9m)
= 5 / 1

Therefore, the end of Bertha's dive is 5 times further from the starting platform than the end of Vernon's dive.