add 3 square root 21 + 7 square root 21

10 square root 21
10 square root 42
square root 52
square root 24 + square root 28

The given expression is "3√21 + 7√21".

When we combine the like terms, we get: (3 + 7)√21 = 10√21

So the simplified expression is "10√21".

To add 3√21 + 7√21, you can combine the coefficients:

3√21 + 7√21 = (3 + 7)√21 = 10√21

So, the sum is 10√21.

To simplify the expression further:

10√21 = √(10^2 * 21) = √(100 * 21) = √2100

Now, we can simplify the square root by finding the prime factors:

√2100 = √(2^2 * 3 * 5^2 * 7) = 2√(3 * 5^2 * 7)

Taking the square root of each prime factor:

2√(3 * 5^2 * 7) = 2 * 5 * √(3 * 7) = 10√(3 * 7)

So, 10√21 is equivalent to 10√(3 * 7).

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

To add the terms with square roots, you need to simplify the expression. In this case, you have:

3√21 + 7√21

Since the terms both have the same radical (square root of 21), you can combine them by adding their coefficients:

3√21 + 7√21 = (3 + 7)√21 = 10√21

Therefore, the sum of 3√21 and 7√21 is 10√21.