Use the table to convert cups to pints, using the ratio 1 pint = 2 cups.

Cups 2 4 6 8 10
Pints 1 2 3 4 5
How many pints are equal to 8 cups?

According to the table, we can see that 8 cups is equal to 4 pints.

To convert centimeters to feet using the ratio 1 foot = 30.48 centimeters, you need to divide the number of centimeters by 30.48.

183 centimeters / 30.48 = 5.998 feet

Rounding to the nearest whole number, Jeff is approximately 6 feet tall.

Using the ratio 1 pint = 2 cups, we can convert 8 cups to pints by dividing the number of cups by 2.

8 cups / 2 = 4 pints

Therefore, 8 cups is equal to 4 pints.

To convert kilograms to grams using the ratio 1,000 grams = 1 kilogram, you need to multiply the number of kilograms by 1,000.

2.75 kilograms * 1,000 grams/kilogram = 2,750 grams

Therefore, 2.75 kilograms is equal to 2,750 grams.

To convert liters to pints using the ratio 1 liter = approximately 2.1 pints, you need to multiply the number of liters by 2.1.

10 liters * 2.1 pints/liter = 21 pints

Therefore, 10 liters is equal to 21 pints.

According to the table, 36 inches is equal to 3 feet. Therefore, Jana can leap 3 feet above the ground.

To convert centimeters to meters using the ratio 1 meter = 100 centimeters, you need to divide the number of centimeters by 100.

200 centimeters / 100 = 2 meters

Therefore, the town gets 2 meters of snow.

To convert pounds to kilograms using the proportion 1 kilogram = 2.2 pounds, you need to divide the number of pounds by 2.2.

72 pounds / 2.2 = 32.7272 kilograms

Rounding to the nearest tenth of a kilogram, 32.7272 kilograms can be rounded to 32.7 kilograms.

Therefore, 72 pounds is approximately equal to 32.7 kilograms.

To convert meters to yards using the ratio 1 meter ≈ 1.09 yards, you need to multiply the number of meters by 1.09.

1,000 meters * 1.09 yards/meter = 1,090 yards

Therefore, Martha runs approximately 1,090 yards.

I apologize for the confusion. To convert pounds to kilograms, we use the ratio 1 kilogram = 2.2 pounds. To find the number of kilograms that are equal to 72 pounds, we divide 72 by 2.2.

72 pounds / 2.2 = 32.7272 kilograms

Therefore, 72 pounds is equal to approximately 32.7 kilograms.

martha one was actually 27.4.


Use the ratio 1,000 grams = 1 kilogram. How many grams are equal to 2.75 kilograms?

Use the ratio 1 liter is equal to approximately 2.1 pints. How many pints are equal to 10 liters?

Use the ratio 1 foot = 30.48 centimeters. Jeff is 183 centimeters tall. How many feet tall is he? Round

to the nearest whole number.

Convert inches to feet using the table. Jana can leap 36 inches above the ground. How many feet can

Jana leap above the ground?
Inches 12 24 36 48 60
Feet 1 2 3 4 5

Use the ratio 1 meter = 100 centimeters.A town gets 200 centimeters of snow one winter. How many

meters of snow does it get?

Convert kilograms to pounds using the proportion 1 kilogram = 2.2 pounds. How many kilograms are

equal to 72 pounds? Round to the nearest tenth of a kilogram.

im asking how many kilograms are equal to 72 pounds

Use the ratio 1 meter is approximately equal to 1.09 yards. Martha runs 1,000 meters in a race. How

many yards does Martha run?

Delta drives at an average speed of 17 miles per hour through traffic. What is her speed in kilometers

per hour if 1 kilometer is approximately equal to 0.62 miles? Round to the nearest tenth of a kilometer

Apologies for the previous calculation. To convert miles per hour to kilometers per hour using the conversion factor of 0.62, we need to multiply the speed in miles per hour by 0.62.

27.4 miles per hour * 0.62 kilometers/mile ≈ 17 kilometers per hour

Rounding to the nearest tenth of a kilometer, Martha's speed is approximately 17.0 kilometers per hour.

Therefore, Martha's speed is approximately 17.0 kilometers per hour.

To convert miles per hour to kilometers per hour, you need to multiply the speed in miles per hour by the conversion factor of 0.62 (since 1 kilometer is approximately equal to 0.62 miles).

17 miles per hour * 0.62 kilometers/mile ≈ 10.54 kilometers per hour

Rounding to the nearest tenth of a kilometer, Delta's speed is approximately 10.5 kilometers per hour.

Therefore, Delta's speed is approximately 10.5 kilometers per hour.