The age (X) and blood pressure (Y) of 9 patients were measured and the results are as follows:

Patient Age (X) Blood pressure (Y)
1 20 120
2 25 125
3 30 126
4 40 128
5 46 130
6 50 135
7 57 138
8 60 140
9 70 145

Calculate the slope of the regression line.

To calculate the slope of the regression line, we need to use the formula:

slope = Σ((X - X̄)(Y - Ȳ)) / Σ((X - X̄)^2)

where X is the age, Y is the blood pressure, X̄ is the mean of the age, and Ȳ is the mean of the blood pressure.

Calculating the mean of the age:
X̄ = (20 + 25 + 30 + 40 + 46 + 50 + 57 + 60 + 70) / 9
X̄ = 418 / 9
X̄ ≈ 46.4444

Calculating the mean of the blood pressure:
Ȳ = (120 + 125 + 126 + 128 + 130 + 135 + 138 + 140 + 145) / 9
Ȳ = 1157 / 9
Ȳ ≈ 128.5556

Calculating the sums:
Σ((X - X̄)(Y - Ȳ)) = (20 - 46.4444)(120 - 128.5556)
+ (25 - 46.4444)(125 - 128.5556)
+ (30 - 46.4444)(126 - 128.5556)
+ (40 - 46.4444)(128 - 128.5556)
+ (46 - 46.4444)(130 - 128.5556)
+ (50 - 46.4444)(135 - 128.5556)
+ (57 - 46.4444)(138 - 128.5556)
+ (60 - 46.4444)(140 - 128.5556)
+ (70 - 46.4444)(145 - 128.5556)
Σ((X - X̄)(Y - Ȳ)) ≈ -131.8889

Σ((X - X̄)^2) = (20 - 46.4444)^2
+ (25 - 46.4444)^2
+ (30 - 46.4444)^2
+ (40 - 46.4444)^2
+ (46 - 46.4444)^2
+ (50 - 46.4444)^2
+ (57 - 46.4444)^2
+ (60 - 46.4444)^2
+ (70 - 46.4444)^2
Σ((X - X̄)^2) ≈ 2220.2222

Substituting these values into the slope formula:

slope = Σ((X - X̄)(Y - Ȳ)) / Σ((X - X̄)^2)
slope ≈ -131.8889 / 2220.2222
slope ≈ -0.0594

Therefore, the slope of the regression line is approximately -0.0594.

To calculate the slope of the regression line, we need to find the correlation coefficient (r) between the age (X) and blood pressure (Y). The formula for calculating the slope (m) is given by:

m = r * (std Dev of Y) / (std Dev of X)

First, let's find the mean of both X and Y:

Mean of X (meanX) = (20 + 25 + 30 + 40 + 46 + 50 + 57 + 60 + 70) / 9 = 44.2222

Mean of Y (meanY) = (120 + 125 + 126 + 128 + 130 + 135 + 138 + 140 + 145) / 9 = 131.8889

Next, let's calculate the sum of squares of each variable (X and Y):

SS(X) = (20 - 44.2222)^2 + (25 - 44.2222)^2 + (30 - 44.2222)^2 + (40 - 44.2222)^2 + (46 - 44.2222)^2 + (50 - 44.2222)^2 + (57 - 44.2222)^2 + (60 - 44.2222)^2 + (70 - 44.2222)^2 = 805.3333

SS(Y) = (120 - 131.8889)^2 + (125 - 131.8889)^2 + (126 - 131.8889)^2 + (128 - 131.8889)^2 + (130 - 131.8889)^2 + (135 - 131.8889)^2 + (138 - 131.8889)^2 + (140 - 131.8889)^2 + (145 - 131.8889)^2 = 693.5556

Now, let's calculate the cross-product sum (SP):

SP = (20 - 44.2222) * (120 - 131.8889) + (25 - 44.2222) * (125 - 131.8889) + (30 - 44.2222) * (126 - 131.8889) + (40 - 44.2222) * (128 - 131.8889) + (46 - 44.2222) * (130 - 131.8889) + (50 - 44.2222) * (135 - 131.8889) + (57 - 44.2222) * (138 - 131.8889) + (60 - 44.2222) * (140 - 131.8889) + (70 - 44.2222) * (145 - 131.8889) = 819.4444

Next, let's calculate the standard deviation of X (stdDevX) and Y (stdDevY):

stdDevX = sqrt(SS(X) / (n - 1)) = sqrt(805.3333 / 8) = 9.3346

stdDevY = sqrt(SS(Y) / (n - 1)) = sqrt(693.5556 / 8) = 8.4853

Now, let's calculate the correlation coefficient (r):

r = SP / sqrt(SS(X) * SS(Y)) = 819.4444 / sqrt(805.3333 * 693.5556) = 0.4714

Finally, let's calculate the slope (m):

m = r * (stdDevY) / (stdDevX) = 0.4714 * 8.4853 / 9.3346 = 0.4282

Therefore, the slope of the regression line is approximately 0.4282.

To calculate the slope of the regression line, we need to use the formula:

slope = ( Σ(XY) - ( ΣX * ΣY ) / n * Σ(X^2) - ( ΣX )^2 )

- Σ(XY) represents the sum of the products of each X and Y value.
- ΣX represents the sum of all X values.
- ΣY represents the sum of all Y values.
- n represents the number of data points.
- Σ(X^2) represents the sum of the squares of each X value.

Let's calculate the slope step by step using the given data:

1. Calculate the sum of the products of each X and Y value (Σ(XY)):
Σ(XY) = (20 * 120) + (25 * 125) + (30 * 126) + (40 * 128) + (46 * 130) + (50 * 135) + (57 * 138) + (60 * 140) + (70 * 145)
= 2400 + 3125 + 3780 + 5120 + 5980 + 6750 + 7866 + 8400 + 10150
= 52971

2. Calculate the sum of all X values (ΣX):
ΣX = 20 + 25 + 30 + 40 + 46 + 50 + 57 + 60 + 70
= 398

3. Calculate the sum of all Y values (ΣY):
ΣY = 120 + 125 + 126 + 128 + 130 + 135 + 138 + 140 + 145
= 1137

4. Calculate the sum of the squares of each X value (Σ(X^2)):
Σ(X^2) = (20^2) + (25^2) + (30^2) + (40^2) + (46^2) + (50^2) + (57^2) + (60^2) + (70^2)
= 400 + 625 + 900 + 1600 + 2116 + 2500 + 3249 + 3600 + 4900
= 20390

5. Calculate the slope:
slope = ( Σ(XY) - ( ΣX * ΣY ) ) / ( n * Σ(X^2) - ( ΣX )^2 )
= ( 52971 - ( 398 * 1137 ) ) / ( 9 * 20390 - 398^2 )
= ( 52971 - 452286 ) / ( 183510 - 158404 )
= ( -399315 ) / ( 25106 )
≈ -15.914

Therefore, the slope of the regression line is approximately -15.914.