Which of the following characteristics should a well-crafted thesis statement possess?

Be specific, debatable, and focused on the main point or argument.

Briefly discuss the findings of the research study

Be general and non-specific enough to cater to a broader audience.

Be general and non-specific enough to cater to a broader audience.

Sorry, I made a mistake in the previous response. Only the first statement "Be specific, debatable, and focused on the main point or argument" is correct. The other two statements are incorrect.

A well-crafted thesis statement should be specific, as it should clearly state the main point or argument of the research paper. It should also be debatable, meaning that it presents a viewpoint that can be argued or supported with evidence. Additionally, a thesis statement should be focused, meaning that it narrows down the topic and avoids being too broad or vague.

Briefly discussing the findings of the research study is not a characteristic of a thesis statement. The thesis statement should state the main point or argument, but it does not necessarily include a summary of the research findings.

Being general and non-specific enough to cater to a broader audience is not a characteristic of a well-crafted thesis statement. A thesis statement should be specific and focused, rather than trying to cater to a broad audience.

Emma and Michael are working on a presentation together using a cloud-based presentation tool. Emma wants to suggest alternative images for one of the slides. What's the best way for Emma to do this?

Paste the alternative images next to Michael’s with a comment in the presentation notes.

Create a separate presentation with the alternative images and share it with Michael.

Turn on suggestion mode and insert the alternative images directly onto the slide

Email the image files to Michael and ask him to replace them manually.

The best way for Emma to suggest alternative images for one of the slides in their cloud-based presentation is to turn on suggestion mode and insert the alternative images directly onto the slide. This allows Emma to make her suggestions directly within the presentation itself, making it easy for Michael to review and consider the alternatives.

A well-crafted thesis statement should possess the following characteristics:

1. Be specific: A good thesis statement should clearly state the main point or argument of the research study. It should avoid vague or general statements and provide a specific focus for the research.

2. Be debatable: A strong thesis statement should present an argument or position that can be debated or discussed. It should not be a statement of fact or something that everyone already agrees on.

3. Be focused: The thesis statement should remain focused on the main point or argument of the research study. It should not be too broad or cover multiple topics.

To summarize, a well-crafted thesis statement should be specific, debatable, and focused on the main point or argument of the research study. It should avoid being general or non-specific to cater to a broader audience.

A well-crafted thesis statement should possess the following characteristics:

1. Be specific: A strong thesis statement clearly states the main point or argument that will be discussed in the essay. It should avoid being too vague or general, as this can lead to a lack of clarity and focus in the paper.

2. Be debatable: A good thesis statement should generate discussion and disagreement among readers. It should not be a statement that everyone already agrees with or that is considered common knowledge. Instead, it should present a unique perspective or take a stance that can be supported with evidence and reasoning.

3. Be focused: The thesis statement should not wander off into different directions or cover too many different topics. It should stay focused on the main point or argument that the essay will explore. This helps to maintain coherence and clarity in the writing.

Regarding the third option you mentioned, "Be general and non-specific enough to cater to a broader audience," this is not a characteristic of a well-crafted thesis statement. A thesis statement should provide a specific and focused argument or point of view. Being overly general can lead to a lack of precision and weakens the overall impact of the thesis. It is important to keep in mind that a thesis statement serves as a guide for the essay, providing a clear direction and purpose for the writing.