3.3842 rounded to nearest cent


To round 3.3842 to the nearest cent, you need to look at the hundredth decimal place, which is the next place to the right of the decimal point.

Since the digit in the hundredth decimal place is 8, which is greater than or equal to 5, you will need to round up.

To round up, you increase the digit in the tenth decimal place (the next place to the left of the hundredth decimal place) by 1.

Therefore, rounding 3.3842 to the nearest cent gives us 3.39.

To round 3.3842 to the nearest cent, you will need to look at the hundredth place value, which is the second decimal place. In this case, the hundredth place value is 8.

Since the hundredth place value is 5 or greater, you need to round up the previous place value, which is the tenth place. In this case, the tenth place value is 4.

To round up, you increase the value of the tenth place by 1, making it 5. The numbers after the hundredth place become 0.

Therefore, rounding 3.3842 to the nearest cent gives you 3.39.