Speak clearly in simple sentences, put together multiple words, select the correct words, follow two-part directions.

a. Age 1
b. Age 2
c. Age 4
d. Age 3

a. One year old.

b. Two years old.
c. Four years old.
d. Three years old.

which one

I apologize for the confusion. If you are asking which age corresponds to each letter, here is the breakdown:

a. Age 1 - One year old.
b. Age 2 - Two years old.
c. Age 4 - Four years old.
d. Age 3 - Three years old.

which one of the options

I apologize for misunderstanding your question. If you are asking which option to select, you need to provide more context or clarify your question.

a. Age 1: At age 1, children are starting to say their first words and may be able to follow simple instructions. They are learning to walk and explore their surroundings.

b. Age 2: At age 2, children are developing their language skills and can now put together short sentences. They can follow two-part directions and have a growing vocabulary. They are also becoming more independent and curious about the world around them.

c. Age 4: At age 4, children have a larger vocabulary and can communicate using complex sentences. They can understand and follow multi-step directions and are eager to learn new things. They enjoy pretend play and have a better grasp of social interactions.

d. Age 3: At age 3, children are becoming more verbally expressive and can communicate their needs and desires more effectively. They can understand and follow simple instructions and are learning to interact with their peers. Their vocabulary is expanding, and they are starting to ask questions to gain knowledge about the world.

To determine the correct answer, you need to understand the given criteria. The criteria require a person to be able to speak clearly in simple sentences, put together multiple words, select the correct words, and follow two-part directions. Now, let's analyze each option and see which one fulfills these criteria:

a. Age 1: At age 1, children are just starting to develop their language skills, so they typically have a limited vocabulary and are not yet able to speak in full sentences. Additionally, their ability to follow complex directions is limited. Therefore, age 1 does not meet the criteria.

b. Age 2: At age 2, children's language skills are improving, and they can typically put together two-word phrases to communicate their needs and desires. However, they may still struggle to form complex sentences and follow multi-step directions. Therefore, age 2 appears to be closer to meeting the criteria but falls short.

c. Age 4: At age 4, children's language skills have significantly developed. They can speak clearly in full sentences, use more complex vocabulary, and follow two-part directions. Therefore, age 4 seems to meet the criteria mentioned.

d. Age 3: At age 3, children's language skills are also improving, but they may still have some difficulty forming complex sentences and following multi-step directions. Although they may have a larger vocabulary than a 2-year-old, they may not fully meet the criteria mentioned.

Based on the given criteria, the correct answer is c. Age 4, as it seems to best fulfill the requirements for speaking clearly in simple sentences, putting together multiple words, selecting the correct words, and following two-part directions.