Which detail from “The Telephone: A Truer Tale” best supports the argument that Bell did not invent the first telephone?

What’s more, the first words ever spoken over a wire could not possibly have been uttered by Alexander Graham Bell, because he was only two years old at the time.
Bell was an expert in the field of elocution, or vocal speech. He was very skilled at teaching deaf students the challenging task of speaking aloud.
Bell also dreamed of a world full of useful telephones, just as Meucci did.
Bell had a wealthy father-in-law who was happy to invest in his dream.

The detail that best supports the argument that Bell did not invent the first telephone is "What’s more, the first words ever spoken over a wire could not possibly have been uttered by Alexander Graham Bell because he was only two years old at the time."

The detail that best supports the argument that Bell did not invent the first telephone is: "What’s more, the first words ever spoken over a wire could not possibly have been uttered by Alexander Graham Bell, because he was only two years old at the time." This statement suggests that Bell was too young to have invented the telephone at the time it was supposedly invented.

The detail from "The Telephone: A Truer Tale" that best supports the argument that Bell did not invent the first telephone is: "What’s more, the first words ever spoken over a wire could not possibly have been uttered by Alexander Graham Bell, because he was only two years old at the time."

To arrive at this conclusion, we can consider the context and logic behind the statement. The statement suggests that Bell could not have been the first to speak over a wire because he was only two years old at the time. This implies that someone else must have been responsible for the first words spoken over a telephone.

To find this detail, one could read the passage or text, paying attention to the arguments and supporting evidence put forth. In this case, the detail is presented as a counter-argument against Bell as the inventor of the first telephone. It challenges the commonly held belief that Bell was the first by pointing out his age during the time of the invention.