At the end of The Call of the Wild, Buck could be described as a carnivorous fiend. What does this mean?

(1 point)

a friendly meat-eater
a friendly meat-eater

a meat-eating devil
a meat-eating devil

a romping beast

a romping beast

The phrase "carnivorous fiend" means that Buck is a meat-eating devil.

To understand what "carnivorous fiend" means, let's break it down:

"Carnivorous" refers to an animal that primarily or exclusively feeds on meat. In this context, it means that Buck has developed a strong preference for meat as his primary source of food.

"Fiend" typically refers to a wicked or evil creature, suggesting a negative or sinister connotation. In this case, it indicates that Buck is portrayed as a voracious or ruthless predator.

So, the phrase "carnivorous fiend" describes Buck as a meat-eating creature with a potentially aggressive or relentless nature.