The purpose of font formatting within a search long is to identify key words, important, information, and_______________.

1. Supporting evidence.
2. Boolean operators.
3. Credible sources.
4. Search parameters.

3. Credible sources.

The purpose of font formatting within a search long is to identify key words, important information, and supporting evidence.

The purpose of font formatting within a search long is to identify key words, important information, and _____________.

The most appropriate option to complete the sentence is "1. Supporting evidence."


Font formatting, such as bold or italicized text, can be used to emphasize or highlight specific words or phrases within a document or search engine results. By applying font formatting, you can quickly identify key words or important information that is relevant to your search. In the context of a search log, this can be particularly helpful in identifying supporting evidence that can be used to validate or strengthen your arguments or claims. By using font formatting to highlight key words, you can easily scan through the log and focus on those important pieces of information that support your research or analysis.

Boolean operators (option 2), such as AND, OR, and NOT, are used to refine and narrow down search queries, but they are not related to font formatting.

Credible sources (option 3) refer to reliable and trustworthy sources of information. While it is important to evaluate and select credible sources for your research, font formatting is not directly related to identifying credible sources.

Search parameters (option 4) are the specific terms or criteria you use to define and refine your search. While font formatting can help identify key words within your search parameters, it is not directly related to search parameters.