Write eighty-one and fifty-seven hundredths as a decimal number.


To write eighty-one and fifty-seven hundredths as a decimal number, you can simply combine the whole number and the decimal part.

81 + 0.57 = 81.57

Therefore, eighty-one and fifty-seven hundredths can be written as 81.57 as a decimal number.

To write eighty-one and fifty-seven hundredths as a decimal number, we can break it down into two parts: the whole number part and the decimal part.

The whole number part is eighty-one, which can be written as 81.

The decimal part is fifty-seven hundredths, which can be written as 0.57.

Therefore, combining the whole number part and the decimal part, eighty-one and fifty-seven hundredths can be written as the decimal number 81.57.