why did conflict arise between henry the second and thomas becket?

The conflict between Henry II and Thomas Becket, the Archbishop of Canterbury, arose due to a number of factors:

1. Conflict of Interests: Henry II wanted to strengthen the power and authority of the monarchy in England, including exerting control over the church. On the other hand, Becket was a staunch defender of the church's independence and privileges. This clash of interests led to a fundamental disagreement between the two.

2. Appointment as Archbishop: Henry II appointed Becket as the Archbishop of Canterbury, expecting him to be loyal and supportive of royal policies. However, once Becket assumed the position, he transformed into a steadfast defender of the church, challenging the authority and influence of the king.

3. Clashing Jurisdictions: The jurisdictional conflict arose when both Henry II and Becket tried to assert their authority over clerics who committed crimes. The king believed that clerics accused of crimes should be tried in royal courts, while Becket argued that they should only be tried in church courts, which were under his authority as archbishop.

4. Constitutions of Clarendon: The Constitutions of Clarendon were a set of laws issued by Henry II in 1164 that aimed to limit the power of the church, curb ecclesiastical privileges, and bring church officials under royal control. Becket staunchly resisted these measures, leading to a major confrontation with the king.

5. Exile and Return: Becket was exiled for opposing the king's policies and seeking papal protection. During his exile, he received support from the Pope and built a strong alliance with the Church. Upon his return to England, tensions escalated between him and Henry II.

Ultimately, the conflict between Henry II and Thomas Becket was rooted in their contrasting beliefs regarding the separation of church and state, the authority of the monarch, and the autonomy of the church.

drag and drop the events to arrange them from the event that came first to the event that occurred last.

the normans invade england
germanic tribes settle in the east of britain
anglo-saxon kingdoms form
england develops a strong monarchy

Sure! Here's the correct chronological order of the events:

1. Germanic tribes settle in the east of Britain
2. Anglo-Saxon kingdoms form
3. The Normans invade England
4. England develops a strong monarchy

for which main reason did the normans invade england?

The main reason for the Norman invasion of England in 1066 was the Norman claim to the English throne. William, Duke of Normandy, believed he had a legitimate right to the English crown, as he claimed that King Edward the Confessor had promised him the throne before his death. However, when Edward died, Harold Godwinson was crowned as the new king, leading to William's invasion to assert his claim to the throne. The Norman invasion ultimately resulted in the Battle of Hastings, where William emerged victorious and became the first Norman king of England, known as William the Conqueror.

in the 1200 conflict between _____ and _____ led to the signing of the magna carta

In the 1200 conflict between King John of England and his rebellious barons led by Stephen Langton, the signing of the Magna Carta occurred. The Magna Carta, also known as the Great Charter, was signed in 1215 and was a significant document that established certain rights and limitations on the power of the monarch. It aimed to address grievances and demands by the barons, including issues of taxation, feudal rights, and the administration of justice. The signing of the Magna Carta marked an important step towards the establishment of constitutional rights and principles in England.