Which of the following choices of this simple sentence

The corn grew as tall as the fence.
A. The corn
B. grew
C. as tall as
D. The fence

C. as tall as

The simple sentence "The corn grew as tall as the fence" consists of the following parts:

A. The corn - This is the subject of the sentence. It refers to the corn plant that is being described.
B. grew - This is the main verb of the sentence. It indicates the action of growth.
C. as tall as - This is a phrase that acts as a comparison. It compares the height of the corn to the height of the fence.
D. The fence - This is the object of the comparison. It refers to the fence being used as the standard for height comparison.

So, the correct choices from the given options are:
A. The corn
B. grew
C. as tall as
D. The fence

To determine the choice of this simple sentence "The corn grew as tall as the fence," we need to identify the grammatical components of the sentence.

The sentence consists of a subject, a verb, and a prepositional phrase.

A. "The corn" is the subject of the sentence.
B. "grew" is the verb of the sentence.
C. "as tall as" is a prepositional phrase.
D. "The fence" is the object of the prepositional phrase.

Therefore, the answer is:

A. The corn (subject)