Based on the tables showing the hours of homework done by Marco and Maribella for different periods of time, which statement is correct? (1 point) Responses Marco spends less time on homework per night. Marco spends less time on homework per night. Maribella spends less time on homework per night. Maribella spends less time on homework per night. Marco and Maribella spend equal time doing their homework. Marco and Maribella spend equal time doing their homework. There is not enough information to tell who spends less time doing their homework.

There is not enough information to tell who spends less time doing their homework.

To determine which statement is correct, we need to examine the tables showing the hours of homework done by Marco and Maribella for different periods of time. Since the tables are not provided in the question, we cannot determine the correct statement. Therefore, the correct answer is: "There is not enough information to tell who spends less time doing their homework."

To determine which statement is correct, we need to compare the hours of homework done by Marco and Maribella. The tables showing the hours of homework done by both individuals should provide us with the necessary information. Without access to those tables, we are unable to ascertain the exact numbers for comparison. Therefore, there is not enough information provided to determine who spends less time doing their homework.