why do some people like to return to daily routines after a major loss?

a it helps them to forget what happened
b It helps them convince themselves the loss was not that big
c it provides comfort and a familiar structure amidst disorder
d it gives them an opportunity to tell acquaintances what happend

c it provides comfort and a familiar structure amidst disorder

The reason why some people like to return to daily routines after a major loss can be attributed to several factors. Here are some possible explanations:

1. Comfort and Familiarity: Returning to daily routines provides a sense of comfort and a familiar structure amidst the chaos and emotions that often follow a major loss. Following a routine allows individuals to find solace in the predictable nature of their day-to-day activities.

2. Emotional Stability: Engaging in familiar daily tasks and activities can help stabilize emotions and provide a sense of normalcy. Routine can offer a distraction from the pain and grief of the loss, allowing individuals to focus their energy on something other than their emotions.

3. Coping Mechanism: Routine serves as a coping mechanism and a way to regain control during a tumultuous time. By adhering to their regular schedule, individuals can regain a sense of order and structure in their lives, which can be comforting and help them navigate through the grieving process.

4. Social Interaction: Returning to daily routines may give individuals the opportunity to interact with friends, family, and acquaintances. This can offer a chance to share what happened, as mentioned in option d, providing a space for support, understanding, and potentially seeking solace in the company of others.

It is important to note that different individuals may have varying reasons for returning to daily routines after a major loss, and what works for one person may not work for another.

The answer to this question is option c: returning to daily routines provides comfort and a familiar structure amidst disorder. People often find solace in going back to their usual daily activities after experiencing a major loss. Here's how you can arrive at this answer:

1. Read each option carefully: Start by understanding each option given.
a. 'It helps them to forget what happened': This suggests that returning to daily routines can help people forget about the loss.
b. 'It helps them convince themselves the loss was not that big': This implies that going back to daily routines can make people downplay the significance of the loss.
c. 'It provides comfort and a familiar structure amidst disorder': This option indicates that returning to daily routines can bring a sense of comfort and stability during a time of chaos or disruption.
d. 'It gives them an opportunity to tell acquaintances what happened': This suggests that people want to share the details of the loss with others by going back to their routines.

2. Evaluate each option: Analyze the benefits and consequences of each option.
a. Option a: While it is possible that some people may want to forget what happened, returning to daily routines alone may not necessarily achieve this.
b. Option b: Going back to daily routines does not necessarily imply that people are trying to convince themselves that the loss was insignificant.
c. Option c: This option highlights the psychological and emotional benefits of having a familiar routine during a traumatic or challenging time. It suggests that the familiarity of everyday activities brings comfort and a sense of stability despite the disorder caused by the loss.
d. Option d: This option focuses on the social aspect of sharing the loss with others, rather than the personal reasons for returning to routines.

3. Choose the most suitable option: Based on the analysis, option c appears to be the most fitting answer. It acknowledges the emotional support and stability that daily routines can provide during times of grief or loss.

In conclusion, people may choose to return to their daily routines after a major loss because it offers them comfort and a familiar structure amidst the chaos caused by the loss.