Turn the question into a statement:

What emotions are expressed in this poem?

Emotions are expressed in this poem.

The emotions expressed in this poem are...

The emotions expressed in this poem need to be deduced by analyzing the text, such as the choice of words, imagery, and tone. To determine the emotions, perform the following steps:

1. Read the poem carefully: Begin by thoroughly reading the poem multiple times to grasp its overall meaning and to identify any recurring themes or motifs.

2. Examine word choice: Pay close attention to the specific words the poet uses. Look for words with strong connotations that may evoke certain emotions, such as "joy," "grief," "fear," "love," "anger," or "loneliness."

3. Analyze imagery: Consider the images and descriptions used in the poem. Imagery can paint a vivid picture and evoke various emotions. Look for vivid sensory language that may evoke happiness, sadness, fear, or other emotional responses.

4. Observe the tone: The overall tone of the poem can hint at the prevailing emotions. Tone refers to the poet's attitude or feelings toward the subject matter. It can be identified through the poet's choice of language, punctuation, and overall style.

5. Consider context: Examine the broader context surrounding the poem. Knowledge about the poet's life, cultural background, and the historical period can provide insights into the emotions being expressed.

By carefully considering these elements, one can identify and understand the emotions expressed in the poem. Remember that poetry can be subjective, so different readers may interpret emotions differently based on their own perspectives and experiences.