Evaluate the expression for the given value of the variable(s).

HINT: Remember that`(-2)^{2}=\left(-2\right)\left(-2\right)`

To evaluate the expression `3a^{2}-4b` when `a=-2` and `b=-3`, we substitute these values into the expression.

Substituting `a=-2` and `b=-3`, we get:


Now, let's simplify the expression:

`3(-2)^{2}-4(-3) = 3(4)+12`

Multiplying `3` by `4`, we get:


Adding `12` and `12`, we get:


Therefore, when `a=-2` and `b=-3`, the expression `3a^{2}-4b` evaluates to `24`.

To evaluate the expression `3a^{2}-4b` for the given values of `a = -2` and `b = -3`, we substitute these values into the expression:

`3(-2)^2 - 4(-3)`

First, let's simplify the expression inside the parentheses:

`3(4) + 12`

Next, calculate the products:

`12 + 12`

Finally, add the numbers:


Therefore, when `a = -2` and `b = -3`, the expression `3a^{2}-4b` evaluates to `24`.

To evaluate the expression `3a^2 - 4b` for the given values of the variables `a = -2` and `b = -3`, we substitute these values into the expression and calculate the result.

First, substitute `-2` for `a` and `-3` for `b` in the expression:
`3(-2)^2 - 4(-3)`

Now, let's simplify the expression step by step:

1. Evaluate `(-2)^2`, which means squaring `-2`:
`3(-2 * -2) - 4(-3)`

This simplifies to:
`3(4) - 4(-3)`

2. Multiply `3` by `4`:
`12 - 4(-3)`

3. Multiply `-4` by `-3`:
`12 + 12`

4. Add `12 + 12`:

Therefore, the value of the expression `3a^2 - 4b` when `a = -2` and `b = -3` is `24`.